I hesitate to get into this stuff because it makes my head hurt but this kinda stuff really is important. Maryland is debating two bills SB 846 and SB 871 that affect cyclists. The Senate versions of these bills were supposed to come before the Senate Judicial Proceeding Committee today so it may be too late for that, but it's never to late to contact your representatives and tell them to support these bills
SB 846
Allows a cyclist to bike in the road, even if there is a bike lane or a shoulder (that's good)
Makes a bell optional (good, cause I have a horn)
Quantifies the breaking requirement (A washcycle T-shirt - there is no such thing, btw - to the first person to get a ticket for not have adequate bicycle breaks)
Allows a red or amber flashing light in place of a rear reflector (though it's good to have both, and lots of them).
SB 871
Requires a driver to yield to a cyclist in a bike lane
Prohibits a driver from passing a cyclist unless they can do so safely
Prohibits a driver from interfering with a cyclist
Honestly, 871 seems weird. Is it legal for drivers to interfere with cyclists now? Is it legal for them to pass recklessly? Are those activities already against the law? It reminds me of George Will talking about campaign fiance reform - "Bribery is already against the law."
we not only need laws
we need education
it does not matter if a cyclist knows the law
the car driver needs to know the cyclist rights as well
a bicycle section in driver's education?
DC METRO bus drivers should have an education
DC cab drivers need an education.... maybe an IQ test
soccer mom's need empathy
I will stop
good stuff
keep the blog coming
I have shared the word with those few that read my stuff
many like what they see
you are DC's version of http://bikeportland.org/
Posted by: gwadzilla | March 17, 2006 at 12:28 AM