During the National Bike Summit there was a reception honoring bicycle friendly cities. DC, Arlington and Rockville are all bronze level cities. A poster describing DC's accomplishments and plans mentioned that rehabilitation of the Watts Branch Trail will begin in Spring of 2006. It will be a year behind schedule, but that's OK because the WBT won't really reach it's potential until three other trails are completed. On the west side the WBT will connect in to the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail. On the east side it should connect into the Chesapeake Beach Railway Trail and - one can dream - to the WB&A Trail heading north to Odenton. Seat Pleasant was once a major railroad junction (and the boyhood home of Marvin Gaye) and could become a major bike trail junction in the future.
For the WBT project the post reports that
City officials hope to restore and eliminate gaps in the 1.5-mile Watts Branch Trail in Southeast within a year.