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Apparently, the DC isn't the only area with a Bike to Work day. Even my hometown of Detroit, Michigan is having one: http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060515/FEATURES08/605150405/1025/FEATURES

When I first read Chris's comment I thought "big deal--BTW day is a national day". Then it dawned on me--BTW day in the MOTOR city. BTW day is definitely making some inroads when the capital of the automobile empire is celebrating it.

Thanks Mike, I didn't get that either.

Yup - that was my point! A huge percentage of the workforce still has something to do with the auto industry there, and that's a terrific irony. Of course, the development of the bicycle industry did a lot to help usher in the auto industry, but nowadays, Detroit is by no means a bicycle-friendly place. It is impressive that the movement towards bike commuting has made headway in such a place.

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