Over on the Commuter blog, they have a write up on the free lights giveaway last week. Highlights:
Instead of ticketing cyclists who were riding without lights at this event (a $250 fine - ouch!), we gave them both head- and taillights for free and installed the lights on their bikes. Our goal was to create awareness of the necessity for cyclists to use bike lights when riding at dark. It’s the law in Virginia, as well as in Maryland, and DC that cyclists use a front light at night.
We assisted 35 cyclists with new lights at the event.
Last year in Arlington there were 45 cycling-related crashes. Many of these crashes were at night.
A special thanks goes to Spokes, Etc. bike shop who provided the bike lights at-cost to us
Whoa, hold up, $250 fine? What happened to the already ridiculous $72 fine ($15 fine + $57 "processing fee")?
Also, I wonder what the definition of "front light" is?...I've got a Knog Frog light on mine that's about as small as they come. Guess I'm "in compliance." Of course, I usually run a stronger (chargeable) light when it gets dark, but there are times when I get caught out later than expected.
Ah well, running from cops will blow the dust off some good memories...
Posted by: iconoclasst | November 07, 2006 at 08:20 AM
It's fine that they have this law and that they are suggesting that it's enforced, but I've got to wonder how often it really is enforced. I suspect it's more like the rare occasional crack-down on HOV violators that happens every now and then on I-66 (maximum penalty $1,000!) or speeding, um, like everywhere.
Posted by: Chris | November 07, 2006 at 09:56 AM