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This is what I heard back when I asked the Rainier Riders is they knew anything about an attempt to extend the CPTT:

The City of Hyattsville's Hyattsville Bikers United group is doing a report and wiki for the city on bike and ped issues as part of the Bike Friendly City designation initiative. It may well be possible for others to edit the wiki as well, I am not sure. We are calling for the connection of the NW Branch trail at Armentrout Parkway/Route 1 north to the College Park section of the Trolley Trail. Currently the Riverdale Park section is unpaved but maintained and passable, and the Hyattsville section is intermittantly maintained and largely unpassable. With the EYA development there will be trail improvements to at least their property's section of the trail, and more to follow.

Sorry I did not identify myself on the "running" comment. I forgot until after I posted.

I have been posting occasionally as "John" but I think I will start using my trail name (from backpacking)

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