Bike Boulevards have been mentioned here before in reference to 12th Street South in Arlington. RPUS ran some photos of the Berkeley Bike Boulevard's signage. It's all pretty nice, mainly because they thought of doing more than just using one type of sign. I proposed to DDOT that they use paint (sharrows or something similar) to guide cyclists along the city's new bike routes - since cyclists are usually looking at the pavement - but they were concerned about maintenance, labor (it's hard to get people out to lay down paint) and visual clutter.
I bike in to work on 10th street -- it would be a perfect conversion to a bike blvd. There's limited access, its not traffic heavy, and you could even run a trail through the rec center & Rhode Island to lengthen it up to U Street. There aren't many spots in D.C. where these could easily be done, but there are a few.
Posted by: bawler | July 05, 2007 at 04:54 PM