DC is creating a Corridor Land Development plan for Pennsylvania Avenue SE. The project kick off meeting is September 25th. Though the project seems more concerned with development along the street and doesn't mention bikes, DDOT is involved. And all they need is for one person to show up and ask about bike parking and complete streets design to start them thinking about it early in the process. Hint Hint.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
I sent an email urging: 1) a bike-friendly Barney Circle; 2) a dedicated bike link to the Anacostia River Trail on the western side of the river; and 3) bike lanes along Pennsylvania Ave., perhaps in the green median.
Posted by: Auguste Blanqui | August 05, 2007 at 03:15 PM
yes please a bike lane in the green median- especially if the NIMBYs on Capitol Hill are against putting trolleys back in where they once were. Please remove or fire those morons in the Capitol Hill BID who have printed up those really stupid "Don't park in the roses" signs to discourage bicycle parking. Obviously these people drive cars and do not cycle. The BID could be better spending their $$$ and time by installing new bicycle racks.It seems that the CHRS and the BID are all about cars and parking.They need to get out of that Robert Moses frame of mind and get in the program- and join the 21st century.
Posted by: | August 06, 2007 at 11:35 AM