WABA Alerts us:
Two weeks ago cyclists scored a significant victory for Rock Creek Park as the D.C. Council voted to reprogram funds slated to re-open Klingle Road. The funds will now be used to create a hiker-biker path in the valley. While the 10-3 vote was a big win, road supporters have orchestrated an 11th hour campaign targeting the Council. Council rules require the budget to be approved twice, and the second vote will take place on Tuesday, June 3. In addition, the upcoming DDOT budget includes significant new funding for bike and pedestrian safety efforts, funding for a "Share the Road" public service announcement campaign, and creates a new position on the staff of the DC Council to assist with bike and pedestrian improvements.
WABA urges you to contact the Council today to urge them to support all these measures that will help improve the conditions for biking and walking in the District of Columbia. An email to reach all council members can be sent to [email protected].