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And, to add to the list of urban safety tips:

If you can't have law enforcement on your side, keep an abundant supply of tourists with video cameras and YouTube accounts handy.



The signaling and brake comment is a little misguided. It's better to train people how to use the front brake effectively rather than have them rely on the back. The front brake affords way more stopping power.

Personally, I switched my brakes so my right lever controls the front brakes for this very reason, so I can signal with my left and still have full stopping power.

Of course Sheldon Brown's guide to braking has a lot to say on all this:

OK, probably shouldn't be posting without reading the whole post, but one thing caught my eye.

I don't generally agree that the slower you go the closer you should be to the curb. But I do think it is fair to say that the slower you go, the more antsy drivers behind you will get, and that often means the more aggressively they will try to pass you. I always think it's a toss-up when I've got to go slow. Part of me wants to be even further in the road to make it REALLY impossible for someone to try to pass me when it's unsafe, but part of me wants to be as far as possible to the right in order to demonstrate that I'm TRYING to get out of their way... please don't hurt me.

This conundrum most frequently arises when I bike with friends who ride slower than I typically would ride. I generally feel safest when I ride at my own speed, and when I ride in traffic that usually means I'm riding pretty much in the middle of the lane as close to the speed of traffic as possible. (Except when I'm lane splitting, but that's legal!) :)

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