FABB tells us about the Bike to Work Book, which seems to have everything you want to know about biking to work in it. But if they make it into a movie, I bet they'll ruin it by having Leonardo DiCaprio get the girl and changing the ending.
It will of course, have to take place in Portland - which already sounds like a place in a movie
When guests at Portland's studiously hip Ace Hotel want to break away from their bedside turntables (yes, LPs) for urban exploring, they can borrow a Dutch-designed cruiser and a cycling map laced with hints:
[The Zoo Bombers] agenda: Climb aboard one of the light-rail MAX trains that crisscross the metro area, get off at the Oregon Zoo, and careen downhill on souped-up kiddie bikes. Bruises and broken speed limits — not to mention the occasional intoxicant — are par for the course.