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Isn't the W&OD kinda a parallel trail? Tysons Corner just need better bike access routes.

yeah, they are parallel, but a trail in the ROW would connect to the airport, Wolf Trap and Tysons Corner. At points the two are as much as two miles apart, so it's quite a detour for someone from the south. And a trail along the rail line would work to feed cyclists into the stations. In Reston, where the two are so close the trail can do this, but elsewhere a trail would have been a nice amenity. Cost effective? I don't know.

The Dulles Connector Road (inside the Beltway), the Dulles Toll Road (from the Beltway to Dulles Airport), and the Dulles Greenway (from Dulles Airport to Leesburg) should all have a parallel shared use path within the highway right-of-way, but the Silver Line will have no stops for many miles between Tysons Corner and Wiehle Ave in Reston.

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