If you look at a present day map of the Washington Branch of the former B&O it comes into the city from the NE (west of Bladensburg Road) and then turns at New York Avenue to meet up with the Metropolitan Branch. But it used to come straight into the city, without the NY Ave turn, down West Virginia to I Street where it turned west to meet the Met Branch.
As part of the construction of Union Station in 1907 it was rerouted. But a spur was built, off of the Penn Line, to allow a few customers along West Virginia to continue to receive rail service. Sometime between 1980 and 1999 this section fell out of use. What remains is a short, 1000-foot long section from 16th Street NE to Montana Ave NE with a bridge (pictured) over NY Avenue.
By itself it's not much worth the work. But in 2006, as part of the New York Avenue Corridor Study (page 6-29), the District proposed a dedicated bikeway along the north side of New York Avenue from Florida Avenue and the Met Branch Trail to the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail. This short spur would serve as a connection from one side of New York Avenue to the other.
Additionally, it's not unreasonable to believe that the triangle between New York Avenue, Mt. Olivet and West Viriginia won't be redeveloped at some point. If so, this small connection becomes a starter trail into that neighborhood and down to Gallaudet.
Of course this is the 2nd time a New York Avenue Plan has stalled. Maybe it could restart as part of the stimulus package? This is from a 1996 plan.
A rail line between Metro's Green Line station at Mount Vernon Square/UDC and a new station at Fort Lincoln. Stations also would be built at New Jersey Avenue; Florida Avenue near the city's wholesale food market; Ivy City near Gallaudet University; and Bladensburg Road near the National Arboretum. The task force hasn't decided if the rail line should be an extension of Metrorail or an above-ground light rail line, which could be cheaper and allow for more stops.
Photo by Intersystem Concepts, Inc.
A developer does have plans for a major mixed-use project between NY, Montana, and Bladensburg. Most of the remainder of the triangle you mentioned is the cemetery . . .
Posted by: Purple Eagle | December 16, 2008 at 08:03 AM
That triangle (trapezoid with the cemetery) is to the east of the triangle I was talking about.
BTW, my inner conspiracy theorist likes to think that the Abdo development is the real reason for the crackdown on all the used car dealerships on Bladensburg Road. Of course, I have no facts to connect the two.
Posted by: washcycle | December 16, 2008 at 12:33 PM
Yes~! I rode through that intersection on the 50 states ride-- terrifying if you're on a bike. A safe bike/ped passage over it would be such an improvement.
Posted by: Ben | December 16, 2008 at 03:21 PM
I ride through there regularly going to & from work - 18th St, Montana, across NY Ave, onto WV Ave. yes, it's nasty, but I never have problems with the cars. A path through that area would really help.
Posted by: Mike | December 16, 2008 at 07:49 PM