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A developer does have plans for a major mixed-use project between NY, Montana, and Bladensburg. Most of the remainder of the triangle you mentioned is the cemetery . . .

That triangle (trapezoid with the cemetery) is to the east of the triangle I was talking about.

BTW, my inner conspiracy theorist likes to think that the Abdo development is the real reason for the crackdown on all the used car dealerships on Bladensburg Road. Of course, I have no facts to connect the two.

Yes~! I rode through that intersection on the 50 states ride-- terrifying if you're on a bike. A safe bike/ped passage over it would be such an improvement.

I ride through there regularly going to & from work - 18th St, Montana, across NY Ave, onto WV Ave. yes, it's nasty, but I never have problems with the cars. A path through that area would really help.

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