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I wonder how they will handle crossing the Patuxant River. Following the ROW would require a trail bridge of significant scale. I am also wondering if the land managers at Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary will object to a paved trail through the wildlife preserve . . it's public land, but managed for limited access with ecological research as the primary goal.

Purple Eagle,
It looks like the bridge will be small and the impact would be minor since the railway bed is clearly visible on Google Earth. This trail makes perfect sense and would do a lot for Calvert Country by connecting the Patuxant River with the Chesapeake Bay in the northern part of the country.

Does anybody know the current status of the Chesapeake Beach Rail Trail? As a Chesapeake Beach resident I'm very excited about the prospect of a long, paved pathway to ride my road bike on. I would be more than happy to volunteer some of my time to help with the construction. I consider cycling on the roads in the area dangerous because of the high volume of traffic and small shoulders. A pathway like the Mt. Vernon trail would be ideal.

I call Cheaspeake town hall and i get "they are strating this real soon" for the past three years. I would love help in any way i could. Great history to a great town!!!

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