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Yeah, I was in and out in less than 5 minutes. It was a model of competence, in contrast to some other aspects of the inauguration. (Justice Roberts, the purple ticket fiasco, etc).

Thanks for the info. I considered volunteering but decided against since I was not sure how much I was needed and was put off a little by the long shift times. Now I wish I had.

From what I heard, Iwo Jima could also have used a bike valet.

On a warm summer evening in Santa Monica last summer the GLOW festival drew 250,000 to the beach for an all night light show and grunion hunt. (OK - admittedly not as significant as the inauguration) As I recall the city bike valets, who normally provide parking of a few hundred bikes at the farmers markets, handled four bike corrals. The main one had about 850 bikes over the night and the three satellites each had about 500. There were bike parked to every fixed object along the beach. I'd guesstimate 20% of the crowd biked to the event.

Be that as it may - parking that many bikes as a volunteer effort is a colossal success. I hope you plan to continue to provide parking at other events in the city. Part of Santa Monica's plan is to provide a car alternative at large city sponsored events - you can expect to find secure, safe parking for your bike. It would be wonderful idea to be able to bike about DC without parking worries.

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