David Alpert alerts us that the Office of Planning, DDOT and NCPC are starting a study of
This area, with all of its large facilities and superblocks, can be a bit difficult to get through directly.
Update: Location, etc... courtesy Richard Layman who has some comments
The Office of Planning and
the District Department of Transportation, in coordination with the
National Capitol Planning Commission (NCPC), will conduct an urban
design and transportation study of North Capitol Street from Michigan
Avenue to Hawaii Avenue, NE , and Irving Street/Michigan Avenue from
First Street NW to their point of union, approximately one block east
of North Capitol Street .
The purpose of the study is to:
Develop strategies to improve the gateway qualities of North Capitol
Street by including civic spaces, memorials, and enhancing the public
2. Explore alternative intersection configurations for
the cloverleaf at Irving and North Capitol Streets and automobile ramps
at Michigan and Irving .
3. Develop recommendations for improving safety, connectivity and transportation operations.
neighborhoods that are included in or are adjacent to this area are:
McMillan Sand Filtration site, Washington Hospital Center, Armed Forces
Retirement Home, Brookland, Petworth, Eckington, Parkview and
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Pryzbyla Center
Catholic University of America
Great Room A