You may remember this post last month on the long detour designed for pedestrians at Braddock Road. Contrarian points out that it may have been much ado about nothing as it appears the sidewalks are unusable. In fact, the sidewalks only exist on the bridge and not on the approaches to it. VDOT is saying as much:
to construction at Braddock Road,
VDOT staff conducted observations looking for evidence of pedestrians on four
separate occasions, at different times of the day, over different periods of
the year, to assess activity. During these field visits, no evidence of
pedestrian activity was found. No footpaths or pushed down fencing was
noted on any of the four corners approaching the bridge. In addition the
Department’s roadway inventory tapes from a few years earlier were viewed
and no pedestrians were observed using the road in the area of the bridge.
Therefore due to the low pedestrian usage, this bridge was identified as a
candidate where the existing safety walk might be eliminated to speed
the construction schedule providing other measures were taken to ensure
pedestrians still had the ability to cross. At this point VDOT
examined the condition of the pedestrian facilities currently in place at this
location given that MUTCD allows a contractor to provide in-kind facilities.
On the bridge itself, there is only a 2½ -foot safety walk. VDOT explored constructing a cantilevered walkway during construction; this strategy was ultimately rejected on safety grounds due to the vertical clearance of the bridge.
The current detour route to Wakefield Park thus represented the only remaining possible detour for pedestrians. It adds approximately 1.4 miles to the current distance from Queensbury to Ravensworth. Of course, on-road bicycle access will continue through the project during construction. Since we recognize this detour length is not feasible for many pedestrians and is not open 24 hours a day (due to the park closing) VDOT had also explored transit services along this corridor. Routes operating here include Metrobus lines 17A, 17G, and 17M, as well as Fairfax Connector Route 306. These operate hourly over the Braddock Road Bridge. Any pedestrians needing to use a bus to cross the construction area can contact Steve Titunik at 703-383-2530. VDOT will coordinate a bus subsidy for them. Note that your inquiry has brought to our attention that his number was left off of the signage so it will be added.
VDOT expects this phase of construction to last approximately one year, after which a new bridge will be opened. This new facility will provide enhanced access for pedestrians and cyclists in the form of a 10’ wide sidewalk and a 3’ striped shoulder in front of the gutter pan for cyclists. Throughout this effort, VDOT will maintain an open line of communication with its constituents to minimize disruption and ensure mobility for all modes.
Sorry VDOT.
No need to apologize to VDOT. This agency still routinely shortchanges pedestrian and bicycle accommodation, especially in its NoVA Megaprojects.
VDOT's reply fails to note that the cash Metrobus fare to cross the Beltway at Braddock Rd is $3.10 each way, because these are express buses taking I-395 to the Pentagon. In addition, these buses run infrequently at most times.
VDOT's referenced "3’ striped shoulder in front of the gutter pan for cyclists" is dangerous and useless as a bicycle facility because these shoulders will be to the right of dual freeway on-ramp lanes. On-road bicyclists would be better off riding on the bridge sidewalks as rolling pedestrians.
Posted by: Allen Muchnick | March 12, 2009 at 12:17 AM
The bike lane should definitely be to the left of the on-ramp lanes. Since the bridge is now under construction, is there time for that to be changed?
Posted by: Scott | March 12, 2009 at 12:29 AM