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Like I needed another reason to despise Limbaugh...

Limbaugh's efforts notwithstanding, some of Florida can be really nice for cycling. The flatness helps.

Poor Rush, he can't ride a bike. The saddle aggravates the pimple on his ass. You know, the one that kept him out of the Army.

You know, I don't pay any attention to RL. But every now and then I see one of his arguments in print. And they are always incoherent. I sort of wonder if it's because it's incoherence that makes it to print or whether he's always incoherent. But I don't care enough to listen and find out.

You expect intellectual consistency from him? Really?

I live in Tampa. I wonder how many of his SUV-driving clones there are around here trying to run me over every day... >_<

Better Rush's intellectual confusion than Chris Core's "get off the road" mantra. (Did I actually say Limbaugh is better than somebody else?). And at least listeners might come away knowing the law, if only because of the caller.

I heard Limbaugh the first time at the end of 1994. I thought that Americans could not be that stupid to really listen to a guy that was so incendiary. Apparently, I was wrong.

He pretty much is the incarnation of everything that is wrong with the US.

Rush is why I don't have a radio on my bike.

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