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There's still the idea of 'negligence' which is failing to take reasonable care. Driving at speed where a glare is blinding you seems like it would fit

Note that a rising sun would be at a different time and location now than on the day of the accident.

Note to self: if ever in an accident, always claim that I "didn't see" whatever it was I hit. Apparently a total valid defense. Sigh. I find it troubling that a driver will get charged with something (a ticket, minor traffic offense, whatever) for running a red light "they didn't see," but hitting and killing a human being they didn't see, they won't be charged with anything. Definitely time to change the law.

Try that with a bike cop next time and see if the driver gets away with a ticket.

Give me a break.


Sept 2006, 12 year old Jake Boysel was riding to school in the bike lane. He was rear ended thrown and killed by Ernesto Botello, driving with a dirty windshield, seat reclined, into the sun. Ernesto had a documented history of speeding in the trailer park he lived in.

Charges where laid, but the jury could not arrive at a verdict.

I am going to start driving with my eyes closed or with a blindfold, so as I can always claim that I didn't see whatever it is I happen to kill.

I am sorry, but this logic is absolutely insane

How about a ride of violence next time vs the "Ride of Silence?" I get pretty sick of being a defensless target for criminally negligent drivers. If lawmakers and enforcement won't/can't take action there has to be another, more immediate course. Currently if you really want to commit homicide and get away with it, Use a Car and then state, "Oh,I didn't see them." How can this substitute for maintaining control of a vehicle? But,and this is tragic, somehow it does. Where is the justice in that?

I hear and share your anger Mike, but I think the answer, rather than violence, is to give the prosecutors the tools they need - a 2nd degree vehicular manslaughter charge for example - to prosecute the kind of negligence that falls below "gross negligence."


"We then asked about lesser charges like the obvious fact that she didn't give him the necessary 2 foot clearance but, again, the law requires that you have to see something to give it a clearance."

Then that law is an absolute joke. The mile-wide loophole makes it useless and unenforceable.

If this driver had rear-ended a compact car, killed a kid inside, and said "I didn't see it", can you imagine her getting off scot-free? Me neither. But prosecutors have no sympathy for bicyclists, so they're making excuses.

The driver was swinging a loaded gun around with her eyes closed and finger on the trigger. She should be held responsible. "I didn't see him" doesn't cut it.

Not seeing something is a form of ignorance, and I was always taught ignorance can't be used as a legal defense.


Ignorance of the *law* is not a defense. Ignorance that some kid is hiding underneath your car is. Ignorance of cyclist in front of you... well... that depends a lot on context.

I would highly recommend wearing a ANSI Class 2 or Class 3 vest....
While not being a lawyer, I think that it would create a much stronger case for the "yes, you did see me" when you are wearing clothing that is rated for 300' + of visibility/55mph + traffic

I got mine here, ymmv

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