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i know i sound like a nerd here but it should be "affect," not "effect" in the title.

Yes. You're right. I have a terrible time with those. And there/their/they're. It's and its. And more. I'm an engineer. I need an editor.

There is really a big firght on the new bill, some republicans seem not to be supportive to the bill, the object that the bill might kill job growths, which in my view is really far from the truth.

Complete Streets is a good concept, but I don't think I could support a blanket "ALL Federally funded projcts" requirement. For starters, how do you apply it to a freeway or Interstate (the latter of which by law prohibits bikes/peds)? Also would have little applicability to rural areas. I could support it in urban areas or within towns, but not a blanket application of it.

The National Complete Streets Coalition agrees: "Making a policy work in the real world requires developing a process to handle exceptions to providing for all modes in each project. The Federal Highway Administration’s guidance on accommodating bicycle and pedestrian travel named three exceptions that have become commonly used in complete streets policies: 1) accommodation is not necessary on corridors where non-motorized use is prohibited, such as interstate freeways; 2) cost of accommodation is excessively disproportionate to the need or probable use; 3) a documented absence of current or future need. Many communities have included their own exceptions, such as severe topological constraints. In addition to defining exceptions, there must be a clear process for granting them, where a senior-level department head must approve them. Any exceptions should be kept on record and publicly-available."

I suspect the Bike Caucus does too.

Froggie: Not all Interstates prohibit bikes/peds. I-84 through the Columbia Gorge east of Troutdale allows bikes and peds, and in some instances, is the only route up the gorge for bikes.

I-5 South of Wilsonville in Oregon also allows bikes and peds.

Of course, these are West Coast examples. Maybe on the East Coast, bikes and peds are prohibited on interstates?

I remember seeing a bike route sign on the shoulder of I-10 east of Tucson.

Kristen: yes, I'm aware of some exceptions west of the Mississippi, mostly in wide-open states where the Interstate was built right on top of the old route, with no nearby parallel routes.

But by and large, and especially east of the Mississippi, bikes and peds are prohibited from the Interstate system, and in some cases freeways in general.

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