Arlington is just a hotbed of trail improvements lately. Kevin Stalica, Arlington Parks Trails Manager writes:
We are pleased to announce that we have been fortunate enough to have
some last minute funding come our way from our Facilities unit for
paving. A portion of the Four Mile Run Trail in Glencarlyn Park was
paved this week. A portion of the Custis trail near Spout Run is
scheduled for paving the week of July 6-10. It will include expansion
joints at the edges that are expected to prevent surface irregularities
like those currently present. Watch for detours during construction.
Photo by Mo Kaiwen
Sweet! That part of the Custis trail is a mess. Now, if only PG County would spend a little money to repave their trails which are in even worse shape, my commute would be like a dream!
Posted by: Mark | June 30, 2009 at 04:15 PM
Yes, rode that stretch of the Custis Trail today for the first time, it is a major improvement. It was the worst stretch of that trail in my opinion and is now one of the best!
Posted by: Jeff | July 09, 2009 at 08:28 PM