Yes, this is out of order.
I don't attend these, so this is from the minutes, and is probably incomplete and possibly wrong.
Trail Issues - Kevin Stalica, Arlington County Park Service Area Manager reported no major trail issues. He said "no-mow" places along the W&OD trail had been expanded, and vegetation is growing. Root emoval will begin soon, meaning trails will be marked and cold-patched for now.
Dominion Power will do some tree removal on the
W&OD any tree with a canopy within 26 feet of a power line. Eric Goodman (Ballston), brought up a trail problem in Fairfax Drive that is
creating puddles and not draining. David Patton, Arlington Bicycle and Pedestrian Planner, asked if anyone was
aware of 10 to 12 foot-wide regularly-spaced horizontal cracks on the
W&OD near Washington Street and Little Falls Road. Allen Muchnick (Columbia Heights), said the trail is sinking again due to soil subsiding near Spout Run
and Adams Street in Lyons Village.
Spring Events. BAC Chair Randy Swart (Barcroft), discussed tentative plans for a ride from Courthouse Plaza to the new Shirlington Underpass for the dedication on May 30th. He also reported that Phoenix Bike's bike show Thursday had been very successful. David Patton read a message on the Bike DC Ride set for Saturday, October 17th, in which 5,000 to 10,000 riders are expected on a 25-mile route.
Crystal City Developments. David Patton passed out diagrams on the Crystal City Multimodal Transportation Study and discussed proposed modifications to trails and pedestrian connections in the area. It was later pointed out that the drawings were more than a year old, before any transit was proposed. Despite the lack of accommodation for bicycles in Jefferson Davis Highway - the BAC would like to see bike lanes no less than five-feet wide - it was agreed that the BAC could not comment on the planss until they get better information.
--Lyon Village switchbacks. David Patton said that a consultant came and looked at the switchback. They suggested a new type of striping and advised talking to the County's risk management office.
David Patton briefly reviewed the bicycle-related facilities project list. "Shirlington is our flagship project," he said with respect to bicycle shelters. There's lots of new bike lane striping coming in June, including sharrow lanes. Phase I of the Old Dominion Drive on-street lane from 23rd Street to 26th Street N. is about to go to construction. On the Hoffman-Boston (an elementary school on the NE edge of the Army-Navy Country Club) Connector project, "amazingly, someone has breathed new life into this," David said, noting an apparent openness on the part of the Army-Navy Country Club to discuss the project. On the Columbia Pike/Route 27 interchange replacement project, bicycle accommodations are "well in hand, waiting to go to the contractor," David said.
On National trails day there was a planning meeting for the East Coast Greenway through Northern Virginia.
I have a recommendation. Can we smooth out the exit ramp of the W&OD trail at the end of the Benjamin Banneker park where it intersects with Van Buren Street.
Posted by: Jacob Kosoff | July 08, 2009 at 10:17 AM
Please put your request in an email to . Many of us have repeatedly made that request to no avail so far.
One technical issue is that the curb cut lip is literally a few feet outside the County line within the City of Falls Church.
Posted by: Allen Muchnick | July 09, 2009 at 12:27 AM
The email address, deleted above, is "trails" at arlingtonva DOT us.
Posted by: Allen Muchnick | July 09, 2009 at 12:29 AM