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I'm down. I may bring one or two others, and some spare tubes and water.

I live in Huntington, so it'd be easy for me to meet up there, if I go. I'm interested, but can't commit for that day yet...

Yep, I'm in.

Hopefully I'll make it through!

My daily commute is 11 miles but I rarely bike more than 15 in a day.

i am looking forward to joining you, but not in the rain. (earlier this year we rode 42 miles in nyc in the rain. that was enough.)

i'm there weather permitting

PS - posted this to the BikeHouse Co-op listserv. Hopefully can get some start up co-op representation there. See you on saturday!

Great. I will be there!

Jacob Kosoff

I'd love to join but I'm not a pro on a sleek bike. That alright? What's everyone's riding background?


I'll be riding a cheap Fuji road bike slightly older than I am. It has semi-knobby tires, fenders, and when loaded for a commute weighs in at around 55lbs (35 lbs naked). It is the opposite of sleek!

I ride often, but not far. My commute is 11 miles round trip. I average 13 or 14 mph alone, or 8 mph with my wife, including stop signs, stop lights, and slowing for pedestrians on the trails. Since I don't have a good place to change, I haven't bothered buying biking shorts or jerseys.

In short, I'm neither a pro nor on a sleek bike, and I'm still planning on making it all the way around.

Hi Ron,

Thanks for the post. I ride 16 miles round trip for commute; but 50 is quite a step up. What the heck... it's all for fun! I'll see you guys there.

Hi Stan and Ron,

I am in a similar category. On the first leg of my bike ride to work from Clarendon to Shirlington I cycle at about a 10 mph pace with my wife to her work. Then when I cycle alone back north to my work in Tysons Corner it is a 12-14 mph pace.

This is a no-drop bike ride. We will slow down to serve all riders.

Count me in.

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