Alexandria's City Council will vote tonight on proposal to add bike racks to the City's DASH buses. DASH is one of three local transit bus systems, along with PG County's THE Bus, and Falls Church's George, that doesn't have bike racks (despite previous reports
to the contrary). Adding bike racks would cost $280,000 or about the
price of one bus and they're the first unfunded item on the
Transportation Commission's priority list.
FABB is asking Alexandria residents to write their council members.
Let's hope this passes...
It will be interesting to see what the two Republicans say...
Posted by: Eric_W. | September 22, 2009 at 04:00 PM
I sent them a message! I hope it passes.
Posted by: Catherine | September 22, 2009 at 05:53 PM
Any update? what happened?
Posted by: Simon | September 23, 2009 at 09:44 AM
I wasn't there, so I don't know. Just checked the site for City Council minutes. The site has a docket/minutes document, but the council's decision is not yet noted.
Interestingly, the City Manager's recommendation on the request for funds (linked to from the docket/minutes) also includes Phase II construction of a bike/ped tunnel on Holmes Run, bike sharing, bike parking at major transit stops, and Braddock Rd. metro multimodal connections.
I sent a message, too. Hope they can pass and get funding for the bus bike racks and some of the other things, too.
Posted by: CyclingFool | September 23, 2009 at 12:52 PM
I heard back from two councilmen but Kerry Donnely actually responded in detail (see below):
Thank you for writing about your support for the addition of bike racks on DASH busses through the use of CMAQ and RSTP funding. Last evening, the Council adopted a request for funding in the amount of $5.1 million and the bike racks were #4 on the priority list for funding. Once our request is evaluated and funding is awarded, the City will then begin a process of addressing our top priorities with the funding available through this grant. Based upon recent history, the City will most likely not receive the full amount requested. Thus we will have to reprioritize our request which may ultimately enhance the chances that the bike rack allocation is made. Additionally, the City is also including bike racks for DASH busses in additional grant requests beyond the CMAQ and RSTP funding request.
As an avid cyclist, I appreciate your request and I feel it is appropriate for the City to promote bike racks on DASH busses. DASH is just now beginning to add these racks on new busses being purchased and added to the fleet. In order to get maximum benefit however, we need to add them to our existing busses. It is my hope that when we reprioritize, the CMAQ and RSTP funding that we will be able to include the bike racks. Much will depend upon available funding, however.
Thanks again for writing.
Kerry J. Donley
Vice Mayor
Posted by: Eric_W. | September 24, 2009 at 03:35 PM
I had also written to the City Council and got the same e-mail response from the Vice Mayor as Eric W.
I also received a response (within a couple hours of writing and before the actual council meeting) from Councilman Krupicka, who was not going to be able to attend the meeting (out of town on business). He agreed with the need for bike racks on the buses, but pointed to limited funds and a need for some replacement buses as limiting factors (I'm paraphrasing). At least he's aware of the situation, and I was glad that he responded so fast...
Posted by: CyclingFool | September 24, 2009 at 04:48 PM