DCmud covers Battery Lane Urban Park. This park contains a narrow trail that serves as the southern trail head of the Bethesda Trolley Trail, and a connection between the CCT and the NIH.
Potential enhancements include a widened bike path
Planners will likely close the park for the duration of construction, but that has yet to be determined.
The Facilities Plan Report calls for a wider and more useful trail [this part of the trail doesn't run on the old trolley right-of-way. The trolley ran on Old Georgetown Road].
From the Report:
Current Conditions
The park’s segment of The Bethesda Trolley Trail is too narrow to comfortably accommodate heavy bicycle and pedestrian traffic. It is also to narrow for the service vehicles used to maintain the park. This trail should be widened to 10’ to accommodate these multiple uses.
Green metal signs on steel posts mark the “Bethesda Trolley Trail” at the north and south ends of the park.
The Bethesda Trolley Trail should be constructed 10’ wide to accommodate the heavy pedestrian/bicycle traffic and to give adequate room for maintenance vehicles.
The Rugby Avenue entry is narrow and difficult to detect. It should be improved by reorganizing pedestrian and vehicular pavements to clearly define the park entrance and access onto the Bethesda Trolley Trail.
Preferred Concepts
The art element should be placed so that it is visible from the Bethesda Trolley Trail.
Bicycle racks located in the park shall be U racks fabricated of stainless steel or galvanized steel with powder coated finish.
This is a good project. Unfortunately there are numerous other longer stretches of the Bethesda Trolley Trail where the problems are worse. Along Old Georgetown Road, north of NIH, the trail is just a sidewalk with no separation from the curb, with an occasional telephone pole in the middle. (It's nice to see bicyclists in Google shots). Then on NIH grounds the trail is only 5' wide and shared with pedestrians, while at the southern end of the NIH section there are awkwardly placed bollards. [Sorry if the links don't work - might require MoBike listserve access].
Posted by: Jack Cochrane | September 04, 2009 at 08:28 PM
Jack Cochrane is right about there being major problems with this trail. I like the concept of this trail, but the entire section from Bethesda to north of NIH is little more than a narrow sidewalk. It should be signed as FUTURE Bethesda Trolley Trail there, to indicate it is not worthy of being called a trail yet but may become a real trail in the future if the county will get serious.
Posted by: silverspringtrails | September 04, 2009 at 09:31 PM
Seriously - the so called "trail" is not complete if it has to travel on a sidewalk. It might be okay for walking, but how can they seriously expect people to bike on this part?
Posted by: Fabian | November 02, 2009 at 02:06 PM