That didn't take long. Just a few weeks ago DDOT submitted the final plans for the 15th Street NW redesign which includes sharrows in one direction and a protected contraflow bike lane in the other. GGW is reporting that work will begin next week. It will only take 5 days to complete and cost less than $200,000.
DDOT will have bicyclists cross the street with the walk signal, just as contraflow pedestrians do. To ensure visibility, they are creating a zone with no parking for some distance on either side of intersections, as New York's lanes do. There will also be new signs telling turning vehicles to yield to bicycles and pedestrians, and the words "LEFT TURN YIELD TO BIKES PEDS" stenciled on the roadway approaching those intersections where cars are allowed to turn left.
For northbound bicyclists, DDOT has changed the configuration to use sharrows instead of a separate painted bike lane. The sharrows will be in the center of the lane, coupled with signs reminding drivers that bicyclists can use the full lane.