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There was an article in the NYT yesterday regarding bicyclists stopping for red lights, submitted by a bicyclist. He offered that cars will do less hating if we stop, but is that a good enough reason to always stop and wait for lights? I think there will always be many haters out there mainly because sometimes bikes slow a driver down which is a capital offense.

OBVIOUSLY, that list should have included WashCycle among the top blogs.

And really, Copenhagen Cycle Chic? It's not even a cycling blog but a fashion/voyeurism/self-promotion blog more than anything else.

What is the fetish with reflectors on bikes? Surely the question is visibility, but not the way you get there.
People can wear reflective clothing, backpacks, helmets. Lights are better than reflectors, since reflectors only work from specific angles. What am I missing?

Thanks for your post. IMO, nullifying the "I didn't him" defense is at the top of the legal agenda for cycling advocates.

@SJE: The fetish isn't about reflectors on bikes, it's about the law.

State laws typically require reflectors on bikes, but not reflective clothing or helmets. News reports, OTOH, often report on the clothing/helmet issue, mixing up a legal issue with a matter personal choice. Worse yet, police reports often focus on the non-legal helmet/clothing issue. It's nice to see a report that sticks to the law.

It is the law in VA, but I still think it is silly to focus on a legal requirement over one of safety under the circumstances. Thus, if the cyclist did not have a reflector on his bike, but was lit up like a Christmas tree, then focusing on the legal aspect tells us little about the accident except that the victim was not compliant with the law.
Having a working bell is also the law in some places, but not relevant to being hit from behind.

SJE, the reason reflectors matter in this case is that it was before sunrise (dark even) and the cyclist didn't have a tail light or other reflective tools.
In DC a cyclist can have a rear light visible from 500 feet in lieu of a reflector, in MD they can have a taillight in addition to the reflector and in Virginia cyclists are required to have the red light in addition to the reflector if they're going to ride on a road with a speed limit higher than 35 mph.

I agree that visibility is key and that reflectors are the law. My comment re Jonathon Krall's post is that he praises the reporter's focus on the legal requirements, which seems less relevant per se than visibility.

+1 that the list should have included WashCycle. What gives?

Other than that omission, there are some interesting blogs as well as some useless ones on the list. I've only looked at a few of them but the Cycling Tips blog seems worth reading.

Though it's not on the list, Big Ring Riding was posted by someone on one of the blogs. That's not really a blog since it seems to be a single static webpage. But it's bike-related and kind of humorous, in a weird way. The guy has a fetish for riding in the big ring (on the bike), with some bike racing action pictures and some strange captions. (NB: The captions get cruder as you get toward the bottom of the page. Not nasty but a bit foul-mouthed.)

I endorse CyclingTips. Like so many other lists, this one was subject to some odd criteria/anomalies. Mostly it's good for finding new and interesting stuff, as opposed to validating the efforts of a given blog.

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