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I can agree with him on non-folding bikes during rush hour. I hate taking my bike on Metro(and only do it when I go to a shop outside the Beltway). You have to use the elevators(which given the escalators at Tenley and Dupont I'm ok with),but people will jam on in front of you. I mean healthy people,not folks in wheelchairs or with strollers/luggage. Plus people don't care about bumping into/banging stuff against your bike. No way I'd want to deal with the sardining at rush hour on top of everything else.

Metro really should look to accommodating bikes. Other systems have designated sections with hooks or seats that fold up.

I agree with the rush-hour ban. Metro stations and cars just aren't set up to accommodate full-size bikes very well, and there is no money for changing this anytime soon. Folding bikes are the way to go for mixed-mode travel.

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