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I'd also add that if you're looking for a used part (to match on an old bike, build a beater, etc.), you should stop by Phoenix. Chances are they'll have it (tho' it might take some digging in some pretty grungy boxes (hey, it's a bike shop.)).

Growing up in Iowa, I was lucky to have a neighborhood shop that let me hang around and learn as much as I could about bikes. I'm proud to be able to volunteer at Phoenix and give local kids that same opportunity here in Arlington.

I had read about this co-op awhile ago in a local paper and have been searching all morning for it. my children are now 10 and 12 and just discovered how much fun it is to take the cob webs off and ride.

what are your hours so we can come by and learn together.


kathie, here is the official website for them http://www.phoenixbikes.org/.

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