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Has anyone heard anything about the Constance Holden case?

Not a peep.

Just wanted to bump the name of Curtis Leymeister up there, as another cyclist struck and killed this past year.

I'm there - I was going to do the training race at Greenbelt tonight, but this is more important.

I was there tonight. Decent turnout - approx. 100 people, maybe more, in my humble estimation.

WTTG Fox 5 had a camera there and a 20 second blurb on the 10 o'clock news. Saw it on TV, but it's not on the website yet, if it ever will be.

Well worth it. The absolute silence and the 10 mph pace really set a somber tone, appropriate for this ride given its purpose.

Ditto, great ride. The organizers, Blue Suit Pacers, clearly put a LOT of thought and work into putting on a great ride. Kudos to them, and the teams (NCVC, Artemis, Coppi) that came out in large numbers.

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