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I'd hang out at the pool if you'd leave your shirt on.

I suggest "seebs" as the singular noun to describe a bike from this service.

"How are you getting home?" "I was thinking I'd take a seebs."

Or even:

"Eh, I was gonna walk, but it's far, and I got lazy. So I just seebs'd it."

Another improvement over Smartbike? CBS, er, Seebs, will be available 24/7. So no more getting to a bike stand to find that it's too late.

I saw "George" and I thought CostanzaBike. "Let's take off our shirts and check out some Costanza bikes!"

24/7 -- good! Only 30 minute free trip -- meh. Though with so many stations, i think you can just do a quick check-in-checkout en route.

"Capitol BS"... I thought that was already well suppled in Washington.

You can now sign up for their newsletter at http://capitalbikeshare.com

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