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Was there any larger discussion about transportation issues? So far this doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement of Gabe/DDOT.

I'd rather have a system of speed cameras keeping cars under the speed limits, than bike lanes. The more bike lanes we get, the more speeding cars I have yelling at me to stay in the bike lane, double parkers, FedEx trucks and all.

Discussion of transportation issues at the Shaw/Mt. Vernon forum was limited. Martin Moulton, a WABA member, asked Vince Gray a specific question about bike lanes. There were also questions asked about increasing revenue for Metro and enforcement of parking laws on Sundays.

agreed that biking sounds low priority for him... those quotes sound like politician-speak for:

"I like biking... except in comparison to all the 1,000 other things competing for the city's attention and money. Don't count on my support or initiative."

Regarding bike lanes, after all the mis-steps on bike lanes in the city, I don't know how I could find fault with this comment:

"I'm not sure we have figured out how to do it yet," said Gray.

What a jerk. Yet another reason I hope he doesn't get elected. He doesn't seem at all interested in smart growth in this city.

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