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Thanks for the link. I haven't actually ridden on the lanes at night, so I'm sure there are more issues.

Hopefully DDOT will work to resolve the issues soon.

I also took a little tour of the lanes and ran into (not literally) the same pedestrian problem. This seems to be the biggest issue so far.

Or, cyclists could just give pedestrians the ultimate ROW like they have to by law, and that drivers also have to do.

A bike lane down PA Avenue wasn't free license for bikers to ignore all pre existing traffic laws. Follow the lights and give way to peds like everyone else does and you'll be fine.

@nookie: I don't think anyone is suggesting mowing down pedestrians. However, with the current setup, pedestrians are standing in the lane of traffic on a signaled intersection (against the signal).

At least in Maryland law, pedestrians are required to yield the right of way to traffic when not lawfully using a crosswalk. Pedestrians do have ultimate ROW on sidewalks, though.

In DC pedestrians only have ultimate ROW in a crosswalk that is not controlled by a traffic signal. Outside of a crosswalk, or crossing against a signal they have to yield to traffic. A bike lane is part of the roadway, pedestrians in a bike lane are the same as in any other travel lane.

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