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I just got my CaBi key in the mail a few days ago. I might go on my first CaBi bike ride later today. I have two bikes of my own but I plan to use the CaBi bikes for most of my commuting in the future. It's less of a hassle with CaBi. I don't have to worry about locking up my own bike or figuring out when or how I can bring it up to the office.

The system will be even more useful when all of the stations have been installed. They may also need to fine-tune the usage patterns. A couple stations always seem to be out of bikes. Maybe CaBi needs to add a couple extra stations in those locations, such as the area around Potomac Yards, just across the border in south Arlington.


Can you explain your claim that our "transit system is near capacity"? My impression was that Metrorail, at least, had much more potential capacity than the system is using. The problems have more to do with *funding* (to buy, run, and repair trains, etc.). As long as that is the case, CaBi doesn't really help, since fewer riders=fewer fairs=service cuts.

I'm thinking of this. ""It's very frustrating," said Ken Clendenin, a paralegal who is a regular rider, before backing away from another train packed shoulder to shoulder. "Sometimes I have to let two or three pass. But what are you going to do?""

And this

Eventually what that guy is going to do is drive. So, if he or someone else, takes CaBi, it frees up space for someone else. But I agree that many of WMATA's problems are funding related.

Eventually what that guy is going to do is drive. So, if he or someone else, takes CaBi, it frees up space for someone else.

I think you're right about the first part and wrong about the second part. If that guy takes CaBi, it doesn't really free up space on Metro, because Metro's business model is currently *based* on overcrowding (fewer trains, more passengers). The moment that Metro has more space on trains, they'll run fewer of them to save money.

That being said, it would be better to have people leaving Metro for CaBi than for cars.

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