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I feel like their must be at least one missing group. The practical cyclist?

Definitely! Your comment immediately made me picture many bikers out my way around Manassas who are lower-income men (mainly men), riding whatever beat-up bikes they can get their hands on because it's the only transportation they can afford.

Actually, there are two kinds of people who might qualify as practical cyclists:

1) People who incessantly tweet, blog, talk, and otherwise pontificate about how practical their cycling is (see "Righteous Cyclist").


2) The cyclists described by Christopher Fotos, many of who have probably never heard of Twitter or blogging. These "invisible cyclists" inevitably end up in places like Manassas or Langley Park, where there is little bike infrastructure and there are few transportation wonks. Bike Snob probably doesn't see too many of them in Brooklyn and Manhattan, so they're probably not on his radar.

guez, is 1) meant to be me? Because I wasn't talking about myself when I mentioned the practical cyclist, but I probably do have a little righteous cyclist in me. Still, I always love it when you make it unnecessarily personal.

Also what makes you so sure that the cyclists described by Christoher Fotos doesn't know what Twitter is or has never heard of blogging? Don't you think most people have heard of Twitter or blogging by now? Thanks for taking time out of your busy day to talk condescendingly about the working poor.

Thanks for the link to the Bike Snob NYC article in the Guardian. Agree w/ the >1 missing group, but nevertheless a fun read.

Invisible to WHO?

Bikesnob also hasn't heard of bicycle tourists, apparently.

Thanks for taking time out of your busy day to talk condescendingly about the working poor.

To my mind, there is nothing condescending about suggesting that many of the working poor live in conditions in which they are lucky enough to have basic services, let alone DSL, and thus it would be hardly surprising if they knew little about Twitter and blogging. For that matter, I know plenty of educated people who only have the vaguest idea of what Twitter is. And there's nothing wrong with that. I sometimes wonder if it isn't healthier...

3 years ago, 80% of people knew what a blog was - and 90% of those 25-34. I suspect that number has gone way up. And while you know many educated people who have only "the vaguest idea of what Twitter is." They have a vague notion. Your comment on what the "invisible cyclists" do and don't know belies a level of ignorance that leads to only one conclusion: you've never bothered yourself to talk to one of these people.

You don't need DSL to know what a blog is. My neighbor is exactly the kind of cyclist Christopher was talking about - and he surfs the internet on his phone.

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