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Sorry that I'll have to miss it. Will be on a plane that day...

I have to say that was a good choice of venue considering the snarky remark about "misspelling simple terms."

The website of the H Street CC reads:

"Pre Fixe Sundays"

I can only presume this is supposed to be "prix fixe"...

I'll be there!

Put me down for "maybe." Congrats on the five years and keep up the good work!

Country club, eh?...snob! ;)

Nice choice--they have a pretty decent draft selection. I'll be there.

I'll try to make it!

I'm looking forward to it. :)

Awesome, sign me up.

I will leave my stronghold in the Palisades and attend.

Might as well show up, I suppose =)

i'll be there, even though it will undoubtedly keep me out well past my bedtime

Personally, as far as beer goes, I'd have preferred Biergarten Haus (7 doors down from HStCC). But I'll take what I can get.

There's a distinct possibility of my attendance, however it will be early and brief (PTA Meeting).

I look forward to meeting other WashCycle regulars.

I regret that I can't make it. Instead of a beer, please accept this tribute to Washcycle on its 5th anniv.:


All right, I realize that a beer would have been much better.

Congratulations, and keep ridin' and writin'!!!

I'll be there, with a couple of friends in tow

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