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I hope that Eric Olson or other members of the Prince Georges County Council will steer MNCPPC toward getting the WB&A to Anacostia trail built expeditiously, following a direct route from Glenn Dale-New Carollton-Cheverly-Bladensburg. One stretch every three years is not soon enough.

In 2011 MNCPPC should submit a funding package for a first phase which should get the entire interim route built, using at-grade crossings of state highways, and existing crossings of expressways, with the state facilitating this as a transportation enhancement. The local share for the whole trail can be met with a modest appropriation this year, diverting if necessary money long ago set aside for a Patuxent crossing which is not as urgently needed as this connector.

The second phases and third phases can work on making it a nicer trail with grade separated crossings and additional off-road segments.

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