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The current rules exempting buildings that do not provide parking for autos is a huge loophole in downtown DC. The proposed rules are certainly a great improvement. However we still will have the bicycle theft problem in downtown DC - a better solution is to have SECURE bicycle parking - not just a couple of bike racks out on the street.

Fred, the long term parking is either in a parking garage, bike cage or a storage room I think.

This looks like an excellent long-term solution. Agree that we need to closely monitor the exemption process.

where I work they removed the only bike rack 3 years ago.
the main concerns I always hear from people reluctant to bike to work is being forced to bike with cars in the streets. Having safe auto protected bikeways will bring out all kinds of people on bikes.
I believe that the reasons for not allowing more of these auto protected bike ways range from political to resistance from cyclists themselves. These issues must be overcome before we get to be on par w/ the Euros.

I believe that the reasons for not allowing more of these auto protected bike ways range from political to resistance from cyclists themselves. You've mentioned this before, but you've never been able to point to examples of facilities that were killed because of opposition by cyclists.

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