Our good friend Pat Herrity is back singing some of his greatest hits.
He is once again trying to end the bicycle coordinator position.
I think there are still areas that we can become more efficient," Herrity said. For example, he said the county should eliminate what he called "political statement positions," such as the bicycle coordinator.
If Charlie Strunk had known that he was just performing a political statement, he could have just stayed at home every day. Why was he wasting his time doing actually work?
Herrity is not enamored with cycling. Back in 2008 he helped VDOT "improve" Rolling Road by widening it
we were able to get some changes in the plans before they even went to public hearing. Some of these changes include decreasing the width of the multi-purpose trail proposed for the west side from 10 feet to 8 feet, reducing the design speed from 45 to 40 (with a posted speed of 35 mph), and eliminating the striped on lane bicycle paths and using wide shoulder lanes.
Maybe Herrity is just trying to tack right after losing the primary for a House seat last spring to an outsider. I expect him to run again in 2012 since he's reportedly bored with being a Supervisor. That way he can make a real politcal statement.
I think Herrity has already made a statement, and it rhymes with puce flag
Posted by: SJE | February 17, 2011 at 08:56 AM
This is why friends don't let friends vote Republican. Though where I live in liberal Montgomery County even the Republican politicians (once upon a time when we had some) supported bikes and transit.
Posted by: Jack | February 17, 2011 at 05:44 PM
Jack: I don't want bikes to turn into a GOP/Dem issue. We should argue to the GOP that bikes
1. Are the ultimate in expression of personal freedom
2. Reduce our dependence on foreign oil
3. Cause less costly impacts on the roads
4. Are fully funded under current taxes, and do not require large ongoing subsidies like transit or roads
5. Teach children to be responsible at an early age
6. Are fiscally sound decisions for individulas
7. Are examples of a successful transport system that is presently free from most government interference.
We just need to find a way to put guns in there, and we are hitting most of the GOP hot button issues.
Posted by: SJE | February 18, 2011 at 02:37 PM