Good morning
- The Montgomery County Planning Board and the Montgomery County Recreation Advisory Boards are accepting public input on future capital improvement projects (CIP) for parks and recreation facilities for fiscal years 2013-2018. Recent Department of Parks accomplishments from the current CIP include extension of the Black Hill Trail, construction of the Rock Creek Trail Pedestrian Bridge...Sign up to speak during this public forum by 4:00 pm, Tuesday, April 5., Call 301-495- 4600, or sign-up on-line at: The forum is limited to 35 speakers; however, written comments may be submitted to Montgomery County Planning Board Chair Françoise Carrier at 8787 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910 or [email protected] by Thursday, April 7.
- One ANC commissioner was worried that drivers backing out of driveways would crash into cyclists if the New Mexico Avenue bike lanes were built. Tales from the sharrows looked at the street, and realized there was no reason anyone would back out of the few driveways that existed.
- Good news: the Navy Yard Promenade portion of the ART is opening April 1st. Bad news: only from 8am-5pm Mon-Fri.
- NASA-Goddard Spaceflight Center wants to build a ped/bike trail along the fence line from the BW parkway guard house to the back section of the Greenbriar 3 condo development. The trail would be lit and under NASA closed circuit TV security. [It would basically only serve employees]. The main issue is funding for a 40 foot connection between the end of the NASA trail and the Greenbriar sidewalk/parking system.
- How the Winter Weather Warrior contest winners won. And yeah, they're still working on those downtown stations that used to be SmartBike stations.
- The D.C. Bicycle Advisory Council has a new blog.
- "This guidance from FHA clarifies that contraflow lanes and buffered bike lanes are allowed, so long as the accompanying signs and pavement markings are MUTCD compliant, and that a cycletrack is “not a traffic control device” within the scope of MUTCD, and therefore not restricted."
- This guy needs his own reality TV show. "Using a $1,100 log arch attached to the back of his adult-sized tricycle, Hoye combs his Bethesda neighborhood almost every day scavenging wood left by tree crews." He uses the wood to heat his home. "he estimates that he has brought three or four tons of oak and maple home on his tricycle since he began logging a month ago."
- "Amid whoops of excitement and exclamations of awe, Rich Wieber wheeled around the Cedar Grove Elementary School gymnasium on his stunt bike to demonstrate tricks he said took him years of practice to learn. He also shared lessons on bike safety, drug awareness and goal setting."