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Two weeks ago I emailed Sekou Biddle about whether 'his' seat on the Bicycle Advisory Council was still open - so that I might apply. Much nothing in reply as of today.

My recollection from the last time he ran is that Patrick Mara bikes to work.

I'd love to see the candidates' positions on supporting more cycling - they'll affect my vote, assuredly.

For the three people who will read this, Vote Mara as a strategic vote. DC needs someone who can credibly speak with our republican overlords in Congress. Mara is a socially liberal, fiscally conservative repub, which is palatable for most DC residents since he'd agree with the majority Dems on most social issues, and there's no way he'd get to do any economic policy besides berate profligate spenders (Kwame, Gray) and be another set of accountable eyes. He also agreed to meet once a week with one R congressman, for every week he's in office. THis could be great in getting those crazy Rs to understand a bit more about how urbanism works in the 21st century.

Bryan Weaver uses CaBi all the time and has good (green)street credentials. See this story and up front, I confess it's my piece (and focused on Adams Morgan). http://tinyurl.com/44bs3ze

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