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no, not adorable.

pathetic, in the etymological sense of the term.

that environment he is in is toxic; and a definite fetter on his healthy, creative development. this point is so well researched that it is not contestable. that environment cannot produce or sustain democracy...

the chant he engages also solicits a creeping chauvanism, militarism and patriarchy (thumbs up; "rock and roll!"), leading directly to later life anomie and economic exploitation -- both the tolerance of his own and his blind eye to others'.

he can later maybe play and then attend various corporate, spectator sports events, to further his his life delimiting indoctrination.

and we know exactly what kind of (mis)education he will receive in the schools of his suburb...

i would bet his parents have no answer to the question: "why did you have children?" -- other than the usual answers that serve the parents, rather than the new human being or the culture he will develop in...


I thought it was cute...

@mike, you must be fun at parties.

I thought it was another nom de plume of "satan".

I found it difficult to tell if the kid was actually saying those words. You can't really see his mouth. At least I couldn't. It would be lame if an adult in the background was saying those words and not the kid, then pretending that the kid was speaking.

thanks for affirming that my analysis is correct.

Superb video, WC.
I'll never forget the son of an old friend doing his first ride while I was visiting. Off came the training wheels. Rode a bit and fell. Tears. Rode a bit. Fell. Tears and fury. Then he got it. Round and round he went with the biggest smile ever. My son and daughter were the same (except that my daughter crashed and was headed down a storm drain but for the fact that her helmet was too wide for the opening). My first solo ended with me t-boning the back of a 57 Chevy. We can't all be Lance.

My daughter learned to ride at the Arboretum: she was off and running in about 3 minutes. No huge smiles, because she's not that way--more a look of total concentration. So after riding for about ten minutes, she went down like a sack of meat. Straight over the front-wheel in a kind of mini- "high-side". Tears, blood, etc...

After a few minutes of comforting her, she got all Tom Simpson on me, and demanded to be put back on the bike!

The Gregory Bros "songified" the video:

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