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“Certain stretches of roads should really be just for vehicles,” [police spokesman Justin] Mulcahy said.

Yes - they are called interstates. Roads where bicycles are banned by law. The mistake is to think that local roads should operate just like interstates with vehicles traveling at the same speeds.

Excellent point Jeff. If a road shouldn't be used for biking, then ban it. But if it isn't banned, then it should be made safe. Maybe certain stretches of road (like ones where bikes are legally allowed) should have lower speed limits.

local roads, state highways, interstates? they start to look a lot alike at times.

I saw a couple (mid 50s) biking the wrong way down the Whitehurst Freeway. Bad or not?

the link between immigration enforcement and increased biking is only going to increase. While lights would be a big improvement, I doubt helmets would do much.

Maybe certain stretches of road (like ones where bikes are legally allowed) should have lower speed limits.

Sure, but these speeds are perfectly safe for the motor vehicles, and everyone else involved. As long as cyclists and pedestrians stay the Hell out of the way.

Next up: why its your fault for not driving a Hummer or articulated truck.

"If a road shouldn't be used for biking, then ban it. But if it isn't banned, then it should be made safe. Maybe certain stretches of road (like ones where bikes are legally allowed) should have lower speed limits."


By the way...there are people who are just "potholes." If there werent we wouldnt have the pay differentials that we have...nor would we have what amounts to a 17th century "democracy." get a fucking clue! THERE ARE PEOPLE that are simply social garbage, marginalized and disposable. We see them all the time! I dont like this...but apparently Im one of the few offended by the pay differentials in this culture...Im also one of the few who actually, IN PRACTICE, not just theory, values participatory democracy.

And since Oboe brought up hell: there are stretches of road that are de facto off-limits to bicylces. Duh. Just are there are certain NEIGHBORHOODS that are, de facto, not capable of sustaining a quality of life consistent with the possibilities afforded by the larger culture and its resources. One of those areas borders the MBT: thus, we get LOW QUALITY people preying on other (usually low quality) people. THIS SHOULD NOT BE NEWS!!!!

Just awful. I see cars racing around oblivious to pedestrians and bikes on the 4 or 6 lane suburban arterials all the time. After all, they're designed like highways, with slip lanes and high-speed ramps, so why would any driver think differently? Of course, only a fool would want or have to actually walk or bike someplace, according to the police.

Tragic. :(


The whole thing is so circular: There's zero enforcement on our region's suburban (and urban) roadways because the speed limits are "artificially low". (Of course, they're only "artificially low" if there's no one walking or riding their bike.)

But don't worry! There's never anyone walking or riding their bike. Why? Because you'd have to be out of your mind to be walking or riding your bike out there with the insane speeds everyone's going, and the complete lack of enforcement.

Of course, since no one's out there, why don't we jack up the speed limits again? It's all just a revenue generation scheme anyway!

I saw a couple (mid 50s) biking the wrong way down the Whitehurst Freeway. Bad or not?

Wrong way is always bad. But Whitehurst is on the DC Bike Map as a Bike Route -- which I don't get at all, because Water Street is much better for cycling and goes directly under it.

Water Street is where all the cool bikers go. Literally, in this heat.

I don't understand why everyone is so gung-ho about putting crosswalks at these dangerous intersections.

Cross walks don't necessarily make the street any safer. People are hit and killed on crosswalks all the time. The only difference is that in those situations, you charge the driver instead of the pedestrian. But the result is the same....

Crosswalks, if anything, just give a false sense of security and too many of them will lead to more accidents.


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