Planning Commission / PBAC Joint Work Session
Hoover Conference Room
765 Lynn Street
Monday, August 15, 2011
6:15 PM: PBAC and Metrorail Subcommittee for Metrorail Study Area presentation
7:00 PM: Joint PBAC & Planning Commission Work Session
The purpose of this joint work session is to encourage collaboration between key people in developing pedestrian and bicycle related Goals and Objectives for the Metrorail study area. This meeting will be an opportunity to discuss with the Planning Commission your thoughts, concerns and ideas relative to pedestrian and bicycle connectivity to access the northside area of the town’s Metrorail Station. Staff proposes that all other PBAC initiatives will be discussed during a future PBAC meeting.
At 6:15 PM, a member of staff will present a summary of Herndon’s Metrorail Planning Study efforts in order to provide PBAC with the latest information. Please note that discussion will be limited to Planning Commissioners, PBAC members and staff.
It is important for members to prepare for this meeting, and there is plenty of material to familiarize yourself with beforehand. The consultant that has been working alongside town staff to develop a plan has created a website dedicated to metrorail, which can be found here. The website contains plan and schedule details, as well as informative memos and design options for a proposed kiss and ride facility. After reviewing the information, each member should consider what they would like a pedestrian and trail system to achieve. For instance, the town’s 2030 Comprehensive Plan contains the following goals and objectives that can be elaborated upon:
1. To facilitate alternative modes of transportation within the town.
2. Provide safe streets that are friendly to pedestrian and bicyclists.
1. Provide efficient and safe flows of traffic on major streets through careful design and use of modern traffic signal technology.
2. Identify and program sufficient resources to complete major elements or upgrades to the planned road network.
3. Continue to support the Herndon Metrorail Station of the Dulles Corridor rail system and develop plans for surrounding access to the station.
4. Continue to integrate pedestrian and bicycle facilities with the street and transit network through the Trail and Sidewalk Program and other project components of the town’s capital improvement program involving transportation improvements.
5. Apply appropriate traffic calming techniques and improvements to enhance vehicular and pedestrian safety and to preserve neighborhood character.
6. Minimize conflicting traffic movements by means of improved road design on arterial streets.
As planners, we oftentimes find it useful to see what other communities are doing. Reston has initiated a Master Plan Study, and its beginnings are documented on Fairfax County’s website here. Also, Fairfax County recently approved a Bicycle Master Plan for Tyson’s Corner, which may assist you in the brainstorming process. That plan may be accessed on Fairfax County’s website here. You are also welcome to visit Community Development to view maps (the same ones provided on the above website) or to request additional information. I will be happy to provide you with any information that Community Development has to aid you with your research.