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I suspect drivers will continue assuming that if there is no sign, then cyclists are not allowed to use the lane. It would be nice to see the signs coupled with driver education (advertising?) to educate drivers that cyclists are normally allowed to take the lane - ignorant drivers assuming the opposite cause a lot of problems.

There are many possible permutations of what drivers may think. Hopefully many will see the sign and discuss it with their friends, some of whom will know the law.

The way I hope you will think of it is: Section 21-1205(a)(6) was passed about 5 years ago and there has been almost nothing to communicate its import. Now, at least we will have some road signs in some of the places where they are needed. And the agencies that decline to post the signs will have to articulate why if you push them enough--and their articulation will usually identify what about the system needs to be fixed. (See e.g., PG's DPW&T.)

I doubt that SHA will couple the signs with an education campaign, because the folks who post the signs are different from the folks who run the education campaigns. Let's not delay the signs until we have the budget for an education campaign. Rural counties may need an education campaign just to even post the signs.

The new driver manual is pretty clear about why cyclists take the lane--I think my previous post on the subject quotes the particular language.

The focus on the 3-foot buffer has probably taken away some of the thunder for education on taking the lane.

One matter that remains unclear in Maryland: Does section 21-1205(a)(6) really authorize one to use the full lane, or just to ride wherever in the lane one chooses? And related: Does the R4-11 sign mean that one must change lanes to pass because a cyclist is using the full lane? Or does it simply make it clear that 21-1205(a)(6) applies, which would imply that a 3-foot passing buffer is sufficient. A driver must change lanes to pass a motorcycle.

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