Good Afternoon
- Rockville is performing bicycle traffic counts as part of a public health project. In one week they counted 2065 cyclists on one bike path.
- Frederick County sherriff's office is encouraging residents to register their bike. Registration is simple and it’s free. Visit the Sheriff’s Office website, under Frederick County Bicycle Registration, at, and fill out the online registration form.
- Germantown college student bikes across country to raise money to fght cancer. Meanwhile a Patuxent High School graduate rides his bike across New Hampshire "to document and support local community initiatives to build a more sustainable future by advocating for a rapid and responsible transition away from fossil fuels." And some Boy Scouts bike from Cumberland to DC.
- The US Post office has 70 bicycle routes for delivery. Which frankly doesn't sound like that many to me.
- One more push to save Safe Routes to Schools funding.
- Jurisdiction over the sailor who killed a bicyclist during a military operation in Australia has been handed over to the Navy.