Good morning
- Humorous story from Moms on the Hill about the post-earthquake trip home. "My husband grabbed a [CaBi] bike from Lincoln Park to come retrieve me in downtown. I'm eight-and-a-half months pregnant, so he gave me a helmet, put me on the seat and pushed me all the way home--a knight on shining bicycle!" That husband is a frequent commenter here, btw. More stories here. DCist writes about biking as a great evacuation method, even though bikes and peds were left out of a 2006 study. Meanwhile Capital Bikeshare has quantified the spike in usership because of the quake. "5,847 rides on Tuesday, up 1,090 from the day before. 1236 between 2-4 pm, an increase of 812 from Monday." Here's an even better visual representation. That and the MLK ceremony might be enough to get them to 1,000,000 in year 1 - if Irene doesn't screw it up.
- Rock Creek Park now has its own soundtrack.
- Velos in DC and on the Custis Trail.
- Some people sound off about New York's Prospect Park West bike lane. And the Times writes about NYC bicycle lawyers.
- A new-to-me bike facility "Advisory bike lanes: Advisory bike lanes are based on the principle of designing the street from the “outside in.” In Minneapolis, East 14th Street gets less than 5,000 cars per day, but there’s not enough room to include a bike lane. The solution? No center stripe and a dashed line for the bike lane. This treatment is becoming common for low-volume streets throughout Europe, proving to be an effective strategy for reducing speeds."
- Speaking of the earthquake, I'm sure everyone has seen this footage of the Washington Monument during the quake. If not check it out.
That video is just plain twisted.
I'm guessing it's from movie, but I don't know which one.
Posted by: Michael H. | August 25, 2011 at 09:56 AM