Good morning
- ANC 5C is meeting tomorrow night and will discuss bike lanes on R Street. At least one commissioner opposes them. Meeting is Thursday, August 4, 2011 from 7pm to 9pm at First New Hope Baptist Church, 1818 3rd Street NE.
- After a driver stopped to allow a cyclist to cross the GW Parkway, Park Police pulled him over to warn him not to do that anymore. I guess they've caught all the speeders.
- The Far Northeast Livability Study is ongoing. In this April presentation they recommend a host of bike facility improvements including
- Sharrows on Sheriff Road
- Sharrows on Jay and Lee Streets
- Bike boxes at 49th and Sheriff
- Bike lanes on 49th Street
- Bike lanes on Minnesota Avenue
- Bike lanes and sharrows on Division Avenue
- A new bicycle pedestrian connection between separated parts of Blaine Street between Flint Place and 42nd Street
- A new bicycle pedestrian connection between 46th Street and Nannie Helen Burroughs Ave
should be noted that the ANC 5C meeting is at 1818 3rd Street NE, not NW
Posted by: IMGoph | August 03, 2011 at 11:07 AM
Anyone know where I can find the best roundup of information about the proposed R Street NW plans? I'm trying to write an email to 5C and I want to make sure I have all my facts right.
Posted by: Megan | August 03, 2011 at 11:20 AM
Oh, for heaven's sake. R Street NE.
Stupid fingers.
Posted by: Megan | August 03, 2011 at 11:20 AM
greatergreaterwashington wrote about it a couple of months back.
Posted by: washcycle | August 03, 2011 at 11:24 AM