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If not directly near the monuments, than at least where car parking already exists. For instance, for proximity to Jefferson/MLK/FDR, put a large station near the baseball fields.

Good news. Can we get more bike racks, too?

Wait a minute. Today isn't April 1st, is it? Really? Very cool news.

I'm glad to see that the lobbying campaign by CaBi users, WABA, bloggers and area residents made a difference. This really is a no-brainer. The stations on the Mall will bring in a lot of revenue from visitors who buy 1-day and 5-day passes. There might be some bike balancing issues at first, but that's a problem that most people would be glad to have in return for having CaBi stations on the Mall and in East Potomac Park.

I hope they take their time to plan out the installation carefully. No rush to get it done by January. There won't be too many people using the bikes in mid-winter anyway. I would like to see them get some of the stations installed before spring though. Preferably before the Cherry Blossom Festival.

Whenever I chat with tourists at the CaBi stations around town they inevitably make 2 comments:

1) The LOVE CaBi and how easy it makes getting around town!

2) They just can't understand why there are NO stations on the mall!

P.S. - the trolls are out on the Post comments in force. Worth reading for the laughs.

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