Happy Labor Day
- On my run yesterday, I noticed that the center span of the ART bridge over the railroad tracks on the west side of the Anacostia has been placed. Looks like they removed the old catenary structure that was in the way. Also the bridge from Yards Park to Diamond Teague is really coming along.
- Two cyclists fired guns at a car in Northeast.
- On Thursday night, Mark Roepcke was hit and badly injured by a hit-and-run driver in Charles County. He was found hours later, unconscious, by the side of the road. Police are looking for tips.
- What to do about junk bikes? One New York artist has turned one into a bicycle shaped planter. Another option is to give them to bikes for the world.
- I'm a shameless fan of Queen (I made a point of going to the house Freddy Mercury was born in when I was in Zanzibar) and today would have been his 65th birthday. This is relevant since he sang the best bicycle song since "Bicycle Made for Two". Google is celebrating the day with its second longest "doodle" ever. You should be able to spot references to the song in the video below.
"Shameless fan of Queen" is redundant.
Just kidding, happy birthday Freddy.
Posted by: Contrarian | September 06, 2011 at 12:20 AM
I mean Freddie.
Posted by: Contrarian | September 06, 2011 at 12:27 AM
Don't forget "Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon"--"Bicycling on every Wednesday evening [ring, ring]"...
Posted by: antibozo | September 06, 2011 at 06:33 AM