Good Afternoon. I failed to note the 50th Anniversary of Peace Corps last week (though really it's in March) so consider it now noted.
- Kansas passes a "dead red" law, much like Virginia did last year and other states have done. Their law says that bicycles may continue through a red light if it doesn't change in a "reasonable" amount of time, instead of 120 seconds like Virginia's law does. But that doesn't make it an Idaho Stop law in my opinion. New Mexico's real Idaho Stop bill, meanwhile, made it out of the House, but died in the Senate.
- T4America corrects Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on his misstatements and errors relating to Transportation Enhancements.
As nice as the dead red law is, what I'd reaaaalllly like is the legalization of lane splitting for motorcycles....that would add an awesome incentive for people to get on scooters and motorcycles, which is almost as good as people getting on bicycles.
Posted by: MM | September 27, 2011 at 07:08 PM